Marketing tips

Don’t say that, say this to sell more subtly (1)

August 26 , 2024

Sourcing: Reddit                                                                Author: SpeedBee-Fast DropshipSupplier


Use marketing Psychology to increase revenue

  • Don't say $100, say $99.99

Prices ending in .99 seem cheaper and more attractive. McDonald's is using this.

  • Don't say "Buy Now", say "Try Now"

"Buy Now" feels pushy. Therefore, "Try Now" reduces commitment and encourages trial. Not sure if less commitment is good. But SpeedBee encourages you to try first.

  • Don't say "Learn more", say "Discover more"

"Learn more" feels like work because study takes hard work. But "Discover" makes it an adventure.

  • Don't say "Discount", say "Special Offer"

"Discount" may imply low quality. But, "Special Offer" makes exclusive. Therefore, (your fast UK dropship supplier) no longer gives discounts. We give special offers of 10 free orders if you are from UK.


Comment if you think it won't work. But tell us why.





.99 has been over used and is not that effect use .97 or .95 though the .95 has been over used a little too much of late to be truly effective, the special offer will grab attention also offer free shipping just cook the cost of shipping into your price.



  • .99 is the OG and best for me
  • What’s “OG” exactly?
  • Original German.



  • Oh! That’s keen observation!
  • Years of experience and one expensive MBA with a concentration in market lol
  • Respect, mate! That's something that can't be replaced by AI.
  • AI helps and enhanced what I know
  • Spot on! I think you are one of the least replaceable people by AI. In fact, unlike those who are afraid of AI, you are among those who welcome it
  • Look AI is not a perfect tool my knowledge is still needed AND it saves soo much time and money. Before AI if I wanted to do a market research on a set of target markets it could easily cost me 5k just for the raw data and then at least a month to coralate all of the data and to shift through the shit that I didn't really need. Then AI comes along and cuts the cost of research down both money wise as well as time wise by like a billion times!! It's a tool and those that refuse to use a tool are fools
  • Totally!




Special offer... only today... only for you, personally.


  • Lol
  • Yup, the time constraints are great motivators for placing orders




Thanks for the tips


  • You are most welcome, mate! Which are you going to implement first? Just curious




What about .50? Like 200.50?



  • Hmmm I think that works too. I have never thought about that 😜
  • I think .50 makes it more appealing as 5 is a dominant number, but .99 I think would show the customer it’s more likely to be on a “sale”. I set my website up to display incriminate of 10… ie: .50
  • I see. great minds think alike, bro ;) in our SpeedBee dropshipping service quotes, we tend to use .50 too. because .99 looks quite unreal. just personal preference. haven't tested this hypothesis yet.



  • Is there a way to do AB test on this?
  • AB test? Sorry never heard of that term?
  • A/B testing, also known as split testing or bucket testing, is a marketing strategy that compares two or more versions of a product, website, app, email, ad, or landing page to determine which one performs best. It's a practical application of hypothesis testing that uses statistical analysis to help you make data-driven decisions. I think it can be set up on google analytics. Wanna give it a try?




Yeah "try now" and watch your returns absolutely skyrocket.



  • Oh shit! That did not come across my mind when I wrote it. Thanks for pointing that out.

how about the risks with other points? I like your stimulating input.


Here are some related articles that may interest you:

1. How I Did 700K in Total Sales WITHOUT ADS (upvotes:557)

2. Found my first 10k+ winner! (upvotes:221)

3. Here's how to find a "breakout" product (upvotes:191)

4. Fast Dropshipping Supplier's Guide (upvotes::41)



(Should the author find this article objectionable or distressing, kindly reach out to us for its prompt removal.)



Don’t say that, say this to sell more subtly (1)
byu/OrganicVegetable87 indropshipping
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