Marketing tips

Effective Facebook Ads Strategy by Shopify Suppliers for Dropshipping Success

October 28 , 2024

Sourcing: Reddit                                                                    Author: Jānis Dzalbe


In this post, I will share our New and updated Facebook ads strategy, which we use to reduce the cpa and scale our and clients' brands.


For those that read my post for the first time I have been using Facebook ads since the start of 2018. I have seen the days when we were able to scale business with just one ad and throwing that ad in lookalike, interests, custom audience ad sets for an entire year.


I also witnessed the major impact of IOS 14.5 update when all the ad accounts just stoped performing in one day. Me and my team have witnessed almost all of it. The last time we changed our strategy was two years ago. This time we haven't made radical changes but rather added some improvements that help our our and our clients ad accounts minimize the overall cpa which helps scaling.


To get the most value from the post, read it entirely about two times because I'm also going to share the little things that, if applied, can improve your overall ad performance.


Here are some screenshots before and after screenshots of one of our client's decreased cpa month over month.

Let's go ahead and get started.




  • We still simplify our accounts as much as possible. We do that to read data faster and to give Meta clear objectives that we want to reach.
  • All of our campaigns are CBO campaigns. We mainly use dynamic creative for those accounts where it's still available and for those where the dynamic creative is not available we use flexible ads.
  • Each new test is a new ad set that has it's own Code. We test new ad concepts, new images, new videos, new hooks, new headlines on the best-performing images, new CTA's, image headline size, new image backgrounds of winning headlines, etc.
  • We use broad targeting for all the ad sets.
  • Here is a screenshot of our ad sets inside of the campaign - click here


One Offer Campaign - For all clients and our brands, we always have an offer campaign where we advertise an offer that helps us acquire customers. This is not your 20%, 30%, or 50% off your first purchase offer.


The days of creating retargeting ads that say get 20% off your first purchase are gone. They work, but you are not at scale, plus you don't want to really acquire a customer based on price sensitivity. In most cases, that is not a loyal customer and will go to another brand if they offer an even bigger discount.


Most offer campaigns are bundles—BUY 2 GET ONE FREE. Bundling products generate the most sales, especially if you have at least two items. Add another complimentary product you want to introduce to the customer for free.


Usually, the two best-selling products also have the highest repurchase rate. We love bundle offers because they work well and help us increase the AOV, which allows us to acquire the customer for more.



It's really important when you create bundle offers to create the offer's CPA goal. If your average AOV is $65 and your existing CPA goal is $25, then by creating a bundle priced at $79, you also need to increase the CPA goal to, let's say, $30 - $33.


This offer campaign only has ads about that offer. If you want to test another offer create another campaign. Don't add 50% sales campaigns in this campaign becasue that is a completaly different customer who is more price sensitive. I have seen many ad accounts where alot of times sales ads are just added in the most random campaigns together with other ads.


Main Campaign Per Country - This would be advertising the best selling product. Inside the campaign we are testing ad new ad concepts. Check the screenshot that I shared previosuly.


Influencer Campaign - Previously, we used influencer ads under the main campaign. We don't run any special promo codes with influencers; we just give briefs with bullet points on what they need to mention about our product.


The reason we run a specific influencer campaign is becasue we want to test the performance of the influencer. This campaign has it's own UTM so we can check the performance in one of our third party attribution tools ( we use Northbeam and Triple Whale) .


Catalog Retargeting Campaign - this is not for every brand that we work for. We use catalog retargeting campaign only with brands that have a lot of products. Either that's cosmetics, clothing, jewelry.


It is important to note that this campaign will spend a maximum of 10% of the whole daily budget.


One Time Offer Campaign - These are your Summer Sales, Labor Day, Halloween Sales, Black Friday Sales Campaigns.

There are some clients where we use % OFF offers. Since this campaign usually has limited time we also use retargeting ad sets in the campaign.


The retargeting ad set in the sales campaign consists of

  • Video engagement custom audience 365 days
  • Any other social engagement custom audience 365 days
  • FB & IG followers
  • All website visitors 180 days
  • Custom Klavyio audience of all customers who have bought
  • Custom Klavyio audience of customers who are the most frequent buyers


This ad set has all the ads in it. Click here to see the SHORT PERIOD SALES CAMPAIGN EXAMPLE.



The reason we have a retargeting ad set is that we want to make sure that we also reach of or most HOT audiences. BTW This ad set is never the highest spender but when it spends it usually gets low cost per purchase.


The reason why it's not the highest spender is because it uses custom audiences and has the limit of audience that can be reached.

This is the only time we use retargeting ad set. We don't use retargeting ad sets anywhere else.



This year Meta has been all over the place and it has impacted the way we look at increasing campaign budgets.


  • We look at the last seven days.
  • If the CPA goals are reached, we increase the budget every other day by 5% ( When spending at least $500)
  • When we are spending less than $500 a day we increase it by 20-50% to reach the $500 daily spend.
  • When increasing spending 5% every other day, you can actually more than double the $500 ad spend in less than a month; continue to do that for two, three, six, and twelve months. We are talking about tens of thousands a day in ad spend. Plus, you don't f up the business by scaling too aggressively as well. As long as you can spend 5% more every other day, which in most cases you can, it's great. Slow is fast. Fast is slow.
  • We don't make decisions on one bad day. We make decisions on last 7 days. Period. One bad day - don't care.
  • For the accounts that we have worked on the longest, we use automated rules that automatically cut the losing ads and increase the campaign budget by 5% like clockwork. We don't do this for all of our clients. Only for those who we know the target numbers down to pennies.


Over the years we have seen so many things that we don't react to bad days anymore. One of our account's bad days was yesterday, when we generated 60% less in sales than usual, which was weird, but when we analyzed the data, nothing changed. Today, the sales are back up and some.



Don't get me wrong, this year, Facebook has been crazier than usual. Everyone is dealing with the same issues.


How many of you that are reading this have tried to increase their spend by 30% after few great days of advertising and then the campaign completaly tanks? We have had this issue.


That's why we moved to 5% increases, in that we don't make crazy swings, and it's actually reasonable for the campaign to adjust.


Going back to ad structure points. Not all the campaigns have the same CPA goals. If we advertise bundles, the CPA goal will be higher. Even influencer campaigns have their own cpa goals.



In 2024 creative testing is more important than it was in 2018 and 2023. If you look at the brands that are crushing it they test a lot of creatives.


It would be great if we had the same scenario as in 2018 when you could scale with just one ad for the whole year and not worry about figuring out a creative testing budget and hiring ad design and video editing teams.


The world has changed a lot since 2018. Social channels have also changed a lot and become content-heavy. The more content is published, the longer the user can spend time on it. Meta is battling against TikTok and YouTube for user attention.


Businesses need to play by 2024 channel rules, that is, if they want to succeed in Facebook.


We test anywhere from 200 - 300 ads a week across 11 brands. ( 9 clients and 2 our brands) ( screenshot from our weekly tracker )



We have improved our creative testing process which helps us achieve these numbers. Also really important to mention is that we have a graphic design and video editor team. It would be silly if, after 6 years of being in the game, we wouldn't create a process where we are able to print ads.


There are agencies and brands that do even crazier numbers. If you are reading this and you are just starting out and thinking, how can I create this? This is only for big teams. My answer to you is you don't need to test this many creatives.


Here is our process:

  1. It all starts with the research. We do weekly research for every single of our brands and clients to find new ad concepts that we haven't tested or in general new creative ideas.
  2. We write the concepts in a spreadsheet - click here for the layout of the sheet
  3. The team decides on the concept.
  4. Write the ad copy & headline.
  5. Gather examples of other ads.
  6. Create the creative brief for the image designer
  7. Image designer creates the images
  8. Launch the test
  9. If the test is successful - expand the ad concept ( create a video, improve the best-performing image max two times)
  10. Repeat.
  11. If the test is not successful and does not get sales, go back to step 3 and test a new concept.


We always start the ad concept tests with images because they can be created the fast st. Previously we started with images and vid os. When we started with videos, a lot of times, at least 70% of them didn't even get spent or performed, which was a wasted resource.


Now, we validate our ad concepts with images and then expand in videos, animations, etc.


We test new things 70% of the time and improve the winning ads 30% of the time.




We have tested hundreds of ad concepts (ad angles); here are the main ones we always use in all our ad accounts.

  • Founders story - This is a must to stand out from other competitors. A lot o brands are not ready to show the founders behind their brands, and I respect that. Those who are prepared to show themselves this ad always crush it. This ad helps build a connection with the customers. It's not a random dropshipping product that a kid is selling. The real people behind the business, along with their families, that also need to eat.
  • US vs Them - Since there are many competitors for almost every product, this angle works well because it makes you stand out from the crowd. This does not apply if you are a fashion br nd. In that case, you just want to pretend you are the only fashion brand in the world. We usually list at least five things where we have the advantage over competitors to make it more compelling. Sometimes, just calling out free shipping for all orders works.
  • Podcast angle—As podcasts have become even more popular over the years, we always ensure that we have an interview/podcast angle. It's a video, and it blends in well in the feed.
  • Before-and-afters—This works really well. Please search how other brands do before-and-after ads because they can get banned. Luckily, there are so many examples out there.
  • Review ads are great retargeting ads. They convince the customer that your product is worth buying. The more of these you have, the better.
  • Problem ads - these will be your highest spenders.




Over the years, we have tested a lot of things that improve ad performance.


Here are some tricks that we use to increase engagement in our ads.


  • When a person makes a comment, we always respond with an answer and then ask the question. This helps increase the chance that the person will come back and comment again.
  • When an ad is starting to take off we use the comment section to post review screenshots of our customers and sometimes even US vs Them images.
  • We really try to utilize the comment section as much as possible, especially if you have clients who have shared reviews in image and video format.


I don't see many brands doing this. Don't do it for every single ad; only for those who are the best performers. Doing this will increase the engagement in the ads, and Meta will push it even more, which usually results in lower CPMs, lower cost per click, and lower cost per purchase.


Try it and let me know how it goes.




This point is outside of Facebook ads. I will make this point as short as possible. The goal of every business is to be profitable. In order to be in the business, you need profit, except when you have millions invested in from investors, and you don't care.


I'm talking to the everyday business owner. Every business ultimately cares only about profit, so you need to track your profit daily.


We do it all the time. We want to see the impact our winning ads make on business. If we find a winning ad crushing it on meta but don't see that in our business numbers, something is not right.


Meta can be tricky with their reports on ads managers. That's why we also use third-party softwares that helps us track our daily profit.

Please track your daily profits. I have seen far too many ad accounts destroyed by not tracking daily profit.


Here is one that I recently got access to: May and July


P.S. I have other posts where I go into details about numbers.


I hope you have enjoyed the post. Thanks for reading. See you in the next one.







Like the comment if you want me to create more in-depth strategy posts like this one.

P.S. I made updates in the post.

  1. Added one special campaign structure - think summer sales, Labor Day, and black Friday sales campaigns.
  2. Added a part about automated rules.
  3. Added a few screenshots of what happens when you don't track your numbers.

Excellent post as always! I would love to see a post detailing how you would start with a brand new account.


Great Idea. Would you mean a brand new account with a brand new business or a brand new account with an existing business that had a banned ad account?

Brand new account brand new business please



What if you have a few hero products, or you have a hero single product and as you expand to more products those become really popular as well, or the bundles of those items become more popular? Ex: we are skincare. We have a hero facial oil with hundreds of 5 star reviews, awards, etc. CPA on this is usually low and conversion rate is high. But we have expanded with cleansers, serums, and bundles of all the above that are also performing really well. How would you analyze what to focus on and how would you set it up campaign wise? We're seeing success but I know there is more we can do and as a small brand we want to turn the corner as soon as possible!!


You do bundles. In all cases, I have seen, a brand usually has clear top 3 hero products. When people love, they return to buy again. This is your chance to bundle them with new products that would supplement the hero ones. If I knew more about your brand, I would be able to give a more specific answer.




absolutely amazing bravo 👏 thanks for sharing this!


thank you. This means a lot. Really appreciate it.




Thank you for this post! I have 4 campaigns running at the moment and the campaign with broad targeting - frequency is higher than that of interest targeting. I only have one ad per campaign at the moment and essentially only the targeting is different. Is there any particular reason why this would be? Thanks


Why do you only one ad per campaign? Does each of those ads have different business objective or are selling different price range products?

Same ad for each, I start to introduce more as time goes. Same objective for each. My campaigns only have a budget of $50 p/d


If you spend $50 per day you should only have one main campaign. There is no reason to have more campaigns.

Ok my bad, I meant $50 per campaign per day. Would structure would you suggest?


One campaign. What good you do with $50 per campaign? How many months does it need to learn about your customers?

What structure would you recommend?


One CBO campaign. What exactly are you selling?

I sell clothing, my own brand. How many adsets and ads do you recommend and advantage + turned on for anything??


There is no limit.. Obviously not all of them need to be active. We have campaigns for clients that haven't been turned off for two years with hundreds of ad sets and about 15-20 active at 5k daily spend.

No need to use advantage plus as it's nothing more of a retargeting campaign. I haven't seen big daily spends behind.

If you are running short period sales then you can use advantage plus if you want to. We personally don't use anything advantage.



Killer post. Just had massive light bulb moment on the killer offer concept, just want to make sure I’m getting it right - you’re substituting a smaller CPA on a higher quality customer for less margin on the bundle. Way better to pay $25 (and lose $25 of additional product margin) for a high quality customer than pay a $50 CPA for someone who just wanted to buy one of your random inexpensive items. Do I have it?


Corretct and the customer would actually return and buy more if your products were actually that good.

We are moving away from big % off campaigns because over the years, we have seen that the customers who we have attracted via these offers are not as loyal don't spend enough money with our business to be profitable or even focus on them.

I would rather focus on how I can acquire a customer who does not have any issue with paying more and loves the customer and product experience, so they return back and tell some of their friends who also don't have any issue with paying more.

Thanks! Super helpful. Do you have any recommended apps/saas for the bundle and lander build for the offer?


I mean with shopify you don't even need aps. But when we use them, we use PickStory, Rebuy, bunch of others.



Do you utilise 1st party data audiences within your campaigns? Or are you just open targeting and only testing creative with your CBOs because your products have mass appeal?


It's only broad targeting. Will add this in the post as well so other people don't get confused.

We have even niche clients in the auto industry that sell auto parts, and even there, we use broad. The creative is the targeting.

Yes I agree. I use this ‘creative is the targeting’ a lot in my client slides. However, there’s also benefit to testing extensive 1PD, so just wondered! Cheers mate


Client slides? Do you mean you create presentations? In my experience, it's a waste of time. But at the same time, it kind of helps look everything good. :D If you don't mind sharing one with me?




Nice. Good post again.

Couple questions:

  1. For clients you work with who have low gross margins - let’s say 60% gross margins. What would you say the best strategy that worked for them to scale? Would it be mostly just bundling a hero offer to ensure there’s a higher AOV in order to make up for CPA and cogs?
  2. for the creatives, is most of the changes just the headline and copywriting in the ads - the actual creative or photography stays the same? So for example 20 ads with different combinations of headlines and text but the same product lifestyle photo



Thank you very much!

I will answer your first question in two points.

  1. Yes, bundles for sure, to make sure that the above is high so we can spend more to acquire the customer. We have tryed scaling with lower AOV and it always stopped at one point. But then again, I'm not ruling out it can be done. Maybe at the time when we tried to scale lower, we weren't good enough or didn't have the best approach.
  2. This depends on your product, but a high focus on purchase frequency is needed. In most cases, we work with the client to test how we can speed up the process so that the customer can buy again as fast as possible and not wait for 90 days. That is, if it's not a one-time purchase product type. There are also subscriptions, but this is more commonly used among supplement brands.

Second question:

No, in fact we don't test ad copy as much as we used to. Now we have an evergreen ad copy and headlines. 99% of the tests are usually creatives. The photo changes a lot. We want to make sure that the photo ad connects with the headline. Everything needs to be connected. Especially when we start out, we send the creative ad test ideas to the client and ask them to match the photo with the idea.

If you would let me know about the products you are selling, I could give more detailed and better advice.

I hope that I have answered your questions.


Yes that makes sense. Thanks for the answer! For us we have a decent AOV but because the AOV is around $80-90, the duration and frequency of purchasers is not as quick.

We’re a protein and supplement brand. Protein costs are rising and shipping costs are high due to the weight of the product.



Regarding Review Ads, is that getting a customer to film themselves reviewing your product?


Yes, sometimes customers post it on their social, sometimes they send us a POV review on our products. We do ask customer for their feedback, those who are willing to share we give them a discount and once they buy they also receive a special gift.



Nice one, thanks for sharing.


Thank you. Do you have any questions that need clarification?



Hey thanks for your post, I work for home service business lead gen with instant form, we do target the location and make exclusion whenever we get leads outside our client zone. Do you think that’s strat is hurting our campaigns?


It may be. I would need more information to give you more actionable advice.





Love the post, great read. What exclusions are you using, if any, in the main country campaign?


Thanks, I really appreciate it. Answer to your question - last 14 purchases or none.


Perfect, thank you. Have you ever widened it out to 30d or 180d/all time purchasers?


Why would we? I want for the customers to return as fast as possible for a second purchase.


To prospect for new customers only would be my thoughts.




Thank you so much for this info, best post I've read on here in a while. I have recently been testing broad and starting to see success with it vs interests. I have a couple of questions if you wouldn't mind?

  1. In your single country campaign CBO, I can see there are multiple ad sets. You mentioned dynamic creative - does each ad set only have a couple of images/ videos in DCT format? A common one I have seen is 3 image assets, 2 headlines & 2 primary texts- is it along those lines? And I am I right in assuming that if it doesn't spend you just turn it off? And are there a specific amount of images/video ads per ad set you'd recommend?
  2. With just one CBO per country for all these tests, is the optimisation ever affected when you add a new ad set with new creatives or turn something off? Does it ever go into learning limited when you make changes?
  3. For a fresh ad account, do you use the same approach? If the client had a relatively small budget, what amount would you recommend to start testing with, and would you also still do broad & DCT?
  4. Do you ever use advantage plus campaigns? In your broad campaign, do you use the advantage+ audience suggestions that FB automatically applies?

Thank you SO much in advance!!


Thanks for the great feedback.

  1. Yes, each ad set is one messege with images and if we want to test the same messege with videos that would be another ad set. We use the 3:2:2 approach. Sometimes even 10:2:2. Depends on the brand and the output.We turn off the ad sets that don't get spent or get minimal spend. My goal is to train the campaign with only high-performing ads.
  2. Nop, almost never. That's why we like to give it 7 days.
  3. For fresh ad account I would just use One campaign period for the whole account. No need to even have retargeting or catalog campaigns. Just one campaign.
  4. No, we have tested it. They do too much retargeting and eventually die out. I haven't seen an account where Advantage Plus is spending $10k a day in ad spend and is growing. Max spent I have seen on them is $800 per day, but even then the brand used that campaign for just retargeting purpose.



Great post. Thanks for the amazing information!

Few questions to you -

  • I see in the campaign structure screenshot that you have last two ad sets turned off. Is there any metric you use before pulling the trigger on them?
  • How long you wait before any new ad set starts bringing in sales? (Might sound like an extension of above question)
  • Do you use bid control in budget strategy?


Thanks for the feedback.

  1. They didn't spend enough on daily basis or if they did spend, they didn't get our cpa goal.
  2. 7 days. Sometimes we cut off in three. Because we launch our ad sets in Mondays, Tuesdays. Amongst those ad sets there are always ad sets that spend money and some that don't get any spend. Those that don't get any spend after 3 days we kill.
  3. Nop, never. Although the new Facebook update that is going to come out will help us pre-determine what type of customer we need. But for that we will need at least 3-4 months of testing before I can provide any advice.




Thanks for valuable content! I do 95% of the things you mentioned in the post.

I like the part how to print bunch of ads. Test with image->video approach. 👍

Keep sharing this stuff!


Thanks for the reading. That's awesome!

Yeah, I mean it's quite reasonable to do that. We spent alot of time on creating video ads that didn't win. Which means wasted resources, time, and money. Once we started to test with images and then expanded to videos, our video performance success rate doubled.

I totally agree. It’s a quite smart idea that I will start using immediately.



Yep. Try it. It helps a lot especially saving time to get faster results.

what project management tool do you use?


  1. 3 full-time graphic designers. 2 full-time video editors. 3 ad creative planners - writing copy, creating tasks for the design and editing teams. 1 full-time research person.
  2. Jira. We built our own system four years ago and upgraded it significantly this year.

P.S. It's a really important point. The two brands out of 11 total are own brands. One does $300- $350k, and another does $850k -$900k coming q4, planning to do $1m per month.

Please can you share template of tasks for creative team if it’s not a secret?


I'm not sure that our process is so refined that I can share the template. We still find ways to improve it. We mainly use Google Docs. Share the great idea about the inspiration. Show examples of other brands' ads. Give 3-5 clear points on what we want to see and 3-5 clear points on what we don't want to see. Formats and the rest are the creative person's job to put together.

One hack here - hire the people who do the ad creatives or ad edits with 5+ years of experience.Our creative director has 14 years of experience designing ads, even covers for magazines.

Also the main ad team and the creative director is responsible for creating the templates. It's far more likaly for someone to design a process that they own for them to use.

If you share template, pls send me one, thx. Process for team is a difficult things, especially the different levels of awareness of ad content from team members. I envy you for having a good team.


It is, it also takes years to build one. We usually help other teams with consulting on building their approach. Using our templates would not make sense to anyone but our team.



Very similar to how I structure my clients accounts. I deal with clients who have larger catalogs and who don't really know the exact numbers of each of their products and having the campaign structure based on stages of the funnel, rather than specific events which I see many people do is key to profitable scalability.


Yeah, we have one client that has 5000+ items in this case we have

  1. One main campaign, where we advertise a lot of products.
  2. One catalog campaign
  3. One offer campaign that changes every two weeks based on the categories he has offers for.



You’re the man! Thanks a lot! I’ve been struggling with fb ads for quite a few months now. Made over 400k in sales YTD but haven’t figured it out.

Read a few of your posts and I could figure out the mistakes I was making!! Thanks a lot for the priceless information.


Thank you, I really appreciate the feedback. Comments like yours are the reason why I share this stuff. Thank you.




Thanks for the post. Very helpful. I have a question.. Dou you test images, videos, catalogs all together? How do you seperate them?


Catalog campaigns are usually separate, but the images and videos are part of the same campaign. We separate them by ad sets. Check the screenshots.

We have seen better stable success by separating them too. But is there a way to scale catalogs? I had mine alone at good spend and profitable, but now If I mix them with my ads they get all the spend unprofitable. I have them in a separate campaign under CC but I'm wondering if there is a way to scale them up too. I tried them at HV and the performance declines.



Thank you! Very early on starting to run my own ads for my business, really enjoying the profces so far but allot to understand and learn!


Thank you! Go ahead ask the questions you have.


Haha you'll have me in your DMs for hours! So I'm still trying to get my head around " testing ads " side of things.. ( I am currently reading allot of your posts so I'm sure you have covered it! ) and can see already how important it is!

I did a little test advert over this week and quite happy with the leads I have got which is good but want to better understand it all



Great post!!

I'm a little confused by how you guys are creative testing. Do you do any testing inside an ABO campaign, or does each test go in its own CBO?

I run lead gen offers, so there's no "bundling" products or anything. I was running out of 1 single CBO (like Nick T & Charley T teach on YouTube), but for some reason that just doesn't work well for me on lead gen offers. So I've started testing in ABO again, but I'd be curious to hear your thoughts!


Thanks for the comment.

No ABO. We have One main CBO campaign. Creative testing happens inside of CBO. A lot of times ad sets don't get spend. Which is great, more spending on the best performers and less on something that would f*** up our performance.

Regarding your case, if you are testing different offers, then I would suggest separating them out in campaigns and having ad sets in those campaigns that have ads about that offer.

Don't mix offers under one campaign.

What's the difference in separating new offers by adset or campaign?


The campaign has data on different types of audiences, which can hurt your performance in the long run, especially if you run CBO.

I always prefer to simplify and structure everything as much as possible so we can spend less time analyzing data.

But if you separate them into different campaigns, you force spend and you compete with yourself increasing your costs. I have different products for the same audience inside different adsets.. Everytime I test creating a 2nd campaign all my costs increase. The only second campaign I have is Catalog Sales

Can I add new adset in CBO for testing every day or every 2days? And 2 or 6 adsets one times, can I? If I have enough new creatives. Will it Impact Optimization? I add 2 new adsets every 3 days before.


We like to launch new ad sets in the main campaigns every Monday and Tuesday. We don't really launch Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, saturday Sunday. In that way, we give a whole week for the ads to optimize and have data by next Monday morning.

By "offer" are you meaning the angle I'm hitting?

Let's take auto insurance for example.

I'll only run that niche in the account. But since it's affiliate lead gen, what's being offered at its core doesn't really go past "get a quote to save money on car insurance."

So would you run this entire account under 1 CBO?

Or, are you putting each marketing concept in its own CBO, then put variations of that concept in its specific CBO as test ad sets?

Hopefully that makes sense - thank you for your time!




Most valuable post in a long time on the sub, used the exact approach to scale from $10k/day to 25k in the past few weeks (went a bit more aggressive than 5% but the opportunity was there).

For the comments I recently started using brandwise (there are other tools as well, tried napoleoncat but didn’t like it) and it really helped streamline things a lot on that front

Have you tried any automated rules? Thinking of giving them a shot in the coming weeks as well


Thank you for the kind words.

Great, that's another thing, if you have the opportunity, do it. We also do it, but lately, we have found more struggles than previously by adding bigger jumps to ad spend. Also, it's summer, and consumer buying behavior is way different than in Q1, end of Q3, Q4, and Q5.

Interesting haven't tried it. Will ask the team to test this out. Thanks for recommending it.

Automated rules—hell yes. I will update this post. Automated rules increase spending and cut out the losers. But we don't use automated rules for all clients. If I'm correct, automated rules are used by 60% of our clients. we have been working with those accounts for a long time now, so we have clear KPI expectations.

The newer clients that we have acquired don't have automated rules yet because we are still tweaking scenarios.

What is Q5?


Q5 marketing, also called the hidden quarter or invisible quarter, is the time after Christmas until early/mid-January, when people are typically on holiday, or slowly back to work, and the frenzy of Christmas shopping has subsided; it’s the onset of Q1. 


Please don’t tell people about Q5, best time ever…


I was about to create a post about Q4. :D We already started the prep during the august. I feel like people should be aware that the faster they start the preperation the better chance of success they have.

Regarding the Q5, not everyone is doing it; most businesses are taking time off straight after Christmas.

Can you write an article about automatic rules?


Already in the works

Did you manage to scale only when you have high AOV, aka bundling, or running ads to collection page?

We don’t run any ads to collection page, always dedicated funnels, article -> specific product page or dedicated product page with strong offer for retargeting.

Its supplements so it’s very customer specific, sending them to a collection page wouldn’t convert for us



That's an excellent read! Would appreciate it you could clarify a few things:

  1. Do you usually do creative testing in your main CBO campaign?
  2. If you test tons of creatives and each has a separate ad set, that would mean you would have tons of ad sets in one CBO campaign - isn't that problematic?
  3. The 'One Offer Campaign' is also targeting only broad, right? If so, do you trust that Meta uses it it for retargeting on its own?


Thank you.

  1. Yes, and we don't have a scaling ad set anymore. We just increase the campaign's budget, and the winner get the most spend. We don't also put the winners in a new campaign.
  2. Not really, especially if you have $500, $1000 + daily budget. Top 5 ad sets get the most spend. We do kill off ad sets that don't get spend or get minimal spend with even just few purchases. We also kill of ad sets that spend and don't hit our target cpa.
  3. Yes, frequency metric shows how many times people have seen ads in that campaign. If the frequency is higher than 1.00, it retargets automatically.

That was really helpful and gave me some new ideas. Thanks a lot!


Thank you. I hope I was able to help. If you have any other questions - ask.

I actually do! - For clients where DCT is not available and you use flexible format, how many ads do you then have in one ad set?


Actually wanted to add on this.

Not all ad sets are always flexible; we also use the 3:2:2 method without dynamic creative.

In this case, we have 3 ads under ad set; each ad has the same 2 ad copies and 2 headlines.

Regarding flexibility, it varies. It really depends on the client.

Let's say that we test ads for a clothing brand. We could literally have the 3 headlines with 10 different backgrounds.

1 headline text on creative - 10 different backgrounds - one flexible
1 headline text on creative - 10 different backgrounds - second flexible
1 headline text on creative - 10 different backgrounds - third flexible.

All of them have the same copy and headline.

I also think its quite early to tell exactly what works the best with flexibles. I believe we would need at least 6 months of different type of testing for me to tell - "We tested 1000 flexible ads and this combination has worked the best"

I apologize for the long answer :D

"We do kill off ad sets that don't get spend or get minimal spend with even just few purchases. We also kill of ad sets that spend and don't hit our target cpa." - What date spend and cpa do you see when you kill off? Last 7 days or others?


It really depends. It's hard to name one model that is used for all the brands. We mainly look at 7 days. But the killing can even happen in 2 days. Let's say we launch 4 ad sets on Monday. By Wednesday, 1 or 2 of them are getting spend and purchases, but the other two didn't get any spend or just a few $ we kill it.

You only launch ad sets on Monday or Tuesday, when or is fail, and kill all of them by Wednesday, you would not launch new ad set on this week? Even CBO run good or bad


Mainly. We never have terrible days with cbo running. The whole reason of us launching new ad sets is not to keep the performance but to improve the performance so we can scale further.

We could run the cbo at least a month with consistent sales and maybe a small drop in ad spend.

What about these below?

1.spend more $ and purchase with target cpa / roas.

2.spend more $ and purchase but not have target cpa / roas, but have lower frequency than old winner ad set and cbo cpa / roas is good.

3.spend more $ and purchase but not have target cpa / roas, but have low/high frequency than old winner ad set and cbo cpa / roas is bad.

4.didn't get any spend or just a few $ with purchase and target cpa / roas.

5.didn't get any spend or just a few $ with purchase but not have target cpa / roas.

6.didn't get any spend or just a few $ without purchase.


We would kill give few more days for 2 before we kill it

OK. I will do it. What about old winner ad set?

1.last 7 days spend more $ and purchase with target cpa / roas

2.last 7 days spend more $ and purchase but not have target cpa / roas, but last 30 days spend more $ and purchase with target cpa / roas.

3.last 7 days didn't get any spend or just a few $ with purchase and target cpa / roas, but last 30 days spend more $ and purchase with target cpa / roas.

4.last 7 days didn't get any spend or just a few $ with purchase and target cpa / roas, but last 30 days spend more $ and purchase not target cpa / roas.

5.last 7 days didn't get any spend didn't get any spend or just a few $ with purchase not have target cpa / roas,but last 30 days spend more $ and purchase with target cpa / roas.

6.last 7 days didn't get any spend didn't get any spend or just a few $ with purchase not have target cpa / roas,And last 30 days spend more $ and purchase Not target cpa / roas

7.last 7 days didn't get any spend or just a few $ without purchase,but last 30 days spend more $ and purchase with target cpa / roas.

8.last 7 days didn't get any spend or just a few $ without purchase,but last 30 days spend more $ and purchase not target cpa / roas.

9.last 7 and 30 days didn't get any spend or just a few $ without purchase

1. Yes, and we don't have a scaling ad set anymore. We just increase the campaign's budget, and the winner get the most spend. We don't also put the winners in a new campaign. - I do this too, do great! Campaign is better than other campaign which have a scaling ad set. New adset have more chance for scaling & spend.


Yes, correct. I like this better because it's easy to manage and analyze data. Every ad set has a fair chance to fight against others.




any ideas on how to apply the method for a beauty salon?


You probably would need only two campaigns.

  1. Offer Campaign
  2. Main campaign per location.



Catalog Retargeting Campaign - this is not for every brand that we work for. We use catalog retargeting campaign only with brands that have a lot of products. Either that's cosmetics, clothing, jewelry.

For this one and all the other campaigns apart from Main Country Campaigns. Do you use multiple countries divided by adsets?

Example: Catalog Sales campaign and each country you are targeting inside a different adset?


It depends on the amount of traffic in that country. A lot of times no, but if another country is driving equal revenue to the main one then yes. So it's mostly about the traffic amount and how many people do add to the cart, and start the checkout process.

Thanks. You will create a catalog campaign per country or all countries inside one catalog campaign divided by adsets/countries?



Great post – some of these feel basic but are so foundational.


It's all about fundamentals and doing basics at a high level.



Great read,

  1. how do you combat 2-3 days good CPP, and then another 2-3 days of bad CPP? most times I leave it on but finding it really difficult to scale.
  2. As I up budget, the entire campaign drops heavily. Even tho we keep refreshes with winning creatives to our main CBO broad
  3. Currently only running in Singapore & Malaysia. Singapore have good CPP, but low population and we have been running the same product for almost 1.5 years now, MY has high population, but CPP is always out of the roof.



Excelent post! One question.

Do you use Cost Caps?


Rarely. Only for big spending accounts that do $10k+ a day in ad spend. And also only to level out the overall cpa.



u/WizardOfEcommerce why all the screenshot links says page not found?


Not sure, they work for me just fine. Try to use a different browser.

I’m using Chrome after Safari and it still shows like this :(

Comment Image


Click on the links to open up in a new browser. I just opened, they work for me.

Anyway, thankyou for replying. Can I ask if I may?

Do you use Cost Cap or just Normal CBO Campaigns?

And also, if my target CPA let say is 2$ in my currency, at bare minimum what do you think is the daily budget? Is 25$ per Ad Set enough?




I recently came across your posts and found them very refreshing—thank you for sharing your insights!

I’m beginning to work on expanding into the US market, starting with our hero product, a subscription-based supplement for women aged 30 and up. Given the broad appeal, I’m wondering about the best approach to targeting. Should I aim for all women 30+ across the US, or would it be more effective to narrow it down by specific states or interests?

Even when I create interest-based audiences and add income parameters, the audiences still seem quite large. I’d love to hear your thoughts on how to define a broad audience in this context.

Thank you!


Thanks for the kind words. It's not so much about your targeting settings as it is about your creative. Are you creating ads that appeal to a 32-year-old busy woman who feels like her energy is up and down and not consistent on a daily basis, which makes her feel stressed? She always feels like she needs to rush with the most important tasks during the time when she feels energized, and she does not know when the energy will stop.

Just made up a story, but this is whom you are speaking with. Create ads that resonate with that audience and don't think so much about the targeting settings.

Thank you for replying! I understand the principle, but it’s a bit daunting to start a campaign with an audience size of 50 million people and not be sure what budget to use, especially when trying a new setup. However, I’m hopeful that the creative itself will address the issue, making the budget less of a concern :)


you won't be able to reach the audience. It's not like you are starting with $100k a day in ad spend for it. What is your daily budget?

I understand that. To narrow down the audience, I included an income parameter, reducing it to 12-14 million. If we achieve a good CPA, I plan to set a daily budget of around $3,000-$4,000 in the future. However, I want to test this new setup first with a significantly lower budget. So far, I've added 5 ad sets to my CBO. By the way, we're currently looking for potential new agencies to partner with. Are you active in the U.S., and can I reach out to you directly?


I got it. CPA also varies a lot depending on the audience you attract. If you go after a colder audience, the CPA will be higher. If you go after an audience who is already inside your purchase funnel, the CPA will be lower. Yes, we mainly work in the US. Will look forward to your messege.



As always, another great post offering excellent perspectives. I've read most of your previous posts multiple times each and structured my campaign based on your strategies. The foundations on which you base your strategies make a lot of sense to me.

For the ad structure, I'm using:

  • One CBO campaign per offer(40 $/day)
  • Broad targeting
  • A dynamic creative ad set under the campaign, prepared according to marketing angles
  • Dynamic ads consisting of 3 creatives, 2 headlines, and 2 copies


Unfortunately, almost all of the traffic Facebook brings is bot visitors. Thousands of bot visitors come to the site, wait for 3-5 minutes, and leave. Despite high CTR, there's no add-to-cart, add-to-wishlist, page browsing, or visits to different pages. No matter what I do, I always get bot traffic, and I don't know how to deal with this. It feels like I'm wasting my money.

Do you have any suggestions on how to combat this bot traffic issue? I'd greatly appreciate any insights or strategies you might have to address this problem

Comment Image



Would you do things differently for a Saas or service product than ecom?

Like for a market research tool for dropshippers (to find winners), would you still mainly test images THEN make the videos?


Great question. We have worked with both Saas and service; the consumer psychology remains the same; research must be done regardless, and creativity is what changes. For SaaS we have seen that 90% of the time videos convert better than pictures, just because we need to explain the technicals. For service it's 50/50 depends on the service.



Hi there, and thank you for sharing this it's very helpful!

I also wanted to ask you because I saw you've a column hook rate, do you mind sharing what is the formula and how you calculate in % if the hook is good or not?


Thank you.

3 second video views devided by 1000 impressions in %.

A good hook rate is above 30%.

Also I see that you share your experience and guidance to users, so I am curious what would you suggest for a online wine store that is selling wines from some of the best regions including(france,macedonia,greece,croatia,lebanon, italy and few others). The main target country is England, but so far nothing worked that will make our roas break even at least. The wines price range goes from 13 pounds to 40 tops. And also we sell them in 6 packs




what mean in the end this sentence:"Please track your daily profits. I have seen far too many ad accounts destroyed by tracking daily profit."?

is tracking daily profit good or not?


Ad accounts are destroyed by not tracking daily profit. Track your daily profit.



Thank you for sharing this great post! u/WizardOfEcommerce . I have a couple of questions though..

  1. Why use different Adsets in CBO? I’m trying to learn as much as possible about Facebook ads, and I’ve noticed that many people suggest keeping one broad Adset and adding ads within it, which is confusing me. In my case, I have one Broad-US Adset (CBO) with three single-image ads for testing. I run a clothing company with a wide variety of T-shirts, and I want to test a new design. Based on your guidance, I should create another Adset. But can’t I just replace one of the underperforming ads in my current Adset?
  2. I’m also confused about using flexible formats. In your structure, you create a new Adset for every test, and each Adset contains one flexible (or dynamic) ad with a 3:2:2 or 10:2:2 format. Is that correct? Some of my ads are not performing well, so should I just keep one Adset and switch to a flexible format with 10 ads?

Basically, I don’t understand the difference between adding new ads within one Adset versus creating a new Adset. Thanks in advance for your feedback!



Interesting post and info indeed. I don't get what's the deal with your Chat-GPT created content on reddit tho. Do you hope to get clients with your inflated numbers on your agency site? Still good basic info, keep it up!



Very great post. I agree with simplifying campaign structures in order to better and efficiently read the data. I just ventured into the print on demand message card jewelry business and what I’ve learned from others who have done well in this area is that testing multiple different messages on the card is the most important element to finding winners for your fb ads campaigns. How would you structure testing multiple message card quotes to find a winner? Should you do them all in one CBO campaign until you find a winner and then expand on testing more of that winning message within the same campaign? And what budget for the cbo do you recommend to be used initially to test on that $50 product price range?


Thanks for the feedback.

Good question. I would definetally do it under one CBO for sure. For a budget of $50 AOV, I would go for $100 a a day to start. The faster you get back data tha faster you can improvements on that data.




Thanks for the post! Which typically converts best? BUY 2 GET 1 FREE (all the same product)? Or BUY 2 (X), Get 1 (Y) Free (they get a different product as the free product)? My avatar NEEDS to buy at least 3-6 of the same item per purchase as they are items purchased for a group of people.


Thanks for the feedback. What industry are you in? All of them work really good. It's about how you offer the product. Even for bundles, where do you offer the bundles, and how easy is it to build the bundle? ETC.



Dude yes! I have been teaching myself ads on the fly at an agency where I’m the only media buyer and this explanation & screenshots has helped me get a better grasp on campaign testing.

I’d love to see more of this content (in response to your post below it)

I got so embarrassed on a call today bc it was a super experienced group of past media asking how I was going to test their creative and I had to bs some stuff. Like sure I know about a/b testing and how to read the numbers & stuff but I’ve been letting ASC+ get the better of me. And on larger accounts, concerned with program wide marketing efficiency (between email, search, etc) it’s just not working to scale.

The only thing idk what to do with, is winners? My agency has told me to leave the winners alone, turn the other ads with it off and scale it. But I’ve seen the ad go to shit after leaving it by itself. It may be because I was using adset budget and not campaign tho.


I have been 7 years at this game. It takes time. Regarding the question what to do with winners

  1. Understand why they are winners - how can we scale the winners in new creative ways?
  2. Create the messege in different ways.

The biggest thing is to know what is the difference between losing ads and winning ads. Make more of what makes an ad winner.


What do you typically use for campaign bid strategy? "Highest volume or value" or "Cost per result goal"?


Highest volume in 90% of the time. We also sometimes test for the highest value, but you need to have a lot of purchase data for that.

What are you selling?



Thanks for your insightful post! I have a question regarding campaigns vs. ad sets.

I started advertising my most popular print, Print01, in the US with a $40 daily budget, and it’s been profitable. Recently, I duplicated the campaign, but targeted Scandinavian countries with a $20 budget to see if it would work there. I also launched a new campaign with 6 different prints, letting the algorithm identify which ones have potential, and another campaign for Print02 (my second best-seller), using two different creatives.

From your post, it seems like you would recommend combining all these into one campaign with a total budget and creating 4 ad sets instead, allowing the algorithm to optimize across them. Is that correct?

Thanks again!


Are all of them in the same AOV?



Then you would need just one CBO. With different ad sets for that. Also remember when you advertise to other countries your CPA goals change, they can be lower or higher depending on CPM's alone.



cool post! thanks! could you tell me what brands I can see examples of ads before/after! thanks


I'll do better - here is an link where we have saved some comparisons and before and afters

  1. Comparison -
  2. Before and afters

Videos -
Images -




When you split test different elements of a winning creative to make it better, do you split test it in the same winning ad set? For example if image is the winner and you want to split test different headlines of that image, do you do it in the same ad set or create a new ad set?


We create a new ad set. I would not call it split testing. I would just call it testing and let the best version battle out against other versions.

Split test would be - actually 50% of the budget going to one type of creative and 50% to other we don't do it that way. We let meta determine the winner.



For real man - this post might be the reason I didn’t quit my business. I’ve been working on it for two weeks straight, trying different ad creatives, campaigns, headlines, etc. Thanks to your post, I immediately spotted a few mistakes in my campaigns. I was already giving up. 😢

If you could offer me a piece of advice, how would you approach my campaign? I run an online theory learning course for the German driver’s license. It costs a one-time fee of €35. I need to target people who are in the process of getting their license, generally between the ages of 17 and 45. Would you recommend using interest targeting? What would be your suggested daily ad spend?

Thank you for your free help, nowadays that’s worth gold. May your life be beautiful and remain that way, WizardOfEcommerce! ♥️


Thank you for the amazing comment. If you are going after the German market, you don't need to use interests for sure. It's all creative.

What I would suggest doing is doing research on driving schools and instructors ads across multiple countries, not only Germany.

Funny thing I have actually helped grow a local driving school to #1 spot in the country.

Thank you! It's no driving school, but surely the ads should be similar to mine. Should I put the age from 18-44 for example or no age aswell?

One last question: How many Creatives do you put in one adset? 3?

Thank you again dude!


Yeah but the customer persona is the same, desires remain the same.

Keep it broad 18- 54 easily.

Usually, 3-5 creatives under one ad set.

How many ads do you put in 1 adset? and Do you use original audience broad or advantage + broad?


Depends on our creative concept. If it's us vs them with multiple ways on how to say the same messege it can be 10 different creatives.

Regarding the audiences, we always use original broad. We don't touch anything that says advantage.



Review last 7 days ,If the entire CBO does not reach the required nc cpa, what should we do with the CBO budget besides continuing to create new ads?


Where are you measuring the nc cpa?

hello? do I need to reduce the budget ?


Sorry, but I cannot give you suggestions without knowing your account.

if your ad account ,last 7 days ,entire cbo oes not reach the required nc cpa,(by triple whale) ,beside  continuing to create new ads, will you reduce the CBO budget?


It depends on the difference of the Nc cpa and your ad testing turn around. Since we are creating ads quite fast, we can launch the ads sometimes, even that day or the next day, that would make an impact on the positive side.

do you mean you never reduce CBO budget ,only launch more better ads quickly?


I'm not saying that. It depends. We have accounts where we don't reduce the spend if the NC CPA is off by a little. It really depends on how big is the difference between target nc cpa and the current number.

Plus we also check what is the contribution margin. If the contribution margin is positive and nc cpa is negative, then we don't reduce.




Your content has been an eye opener for me. These so called gurus are not even 1% of what you are.

Stuck at something i would be grateful if you can help me. I am going to launch a brand selling problem solving products for different categories. I am starting with 3 categories each having 3-4 products. How should i go about with my ads with a new add account?


Thank you I truly appreciate these kind words.

What are the categories and what are the products?

I would probably look at having camapaign per category but i don't know what are the products. What is the difference between aov of these products?



Wow thank you so much for sharing your experience, insights and advice! So helpful - what is the Hook Rate by the way?



Amazing post! Thank you so much! Just a question, do you have any scale campaign to moove the winning creatives? Or you keep everything inside one campaign?


Thanks for the feedback. I laid out our structure here; there is no scale campaign. You don't need one.



Awesome post!

What's your agency fee? (if you able to share or at least rough range)

I feel like 90% of the clients and agency owners expect that us as a solo media buyer and marketers do all the same stuff for less than $500/month lol

And then wonder why they pay $400/month to me and I don't build their $3k rev. business to 6 figures after 1st month


Thank you. Our smallest package is $6200 per month. If you are good nobody will pay you $400. I have built my team and it's with experience people. Every person is well paid.



Would really appreciate it if u could sum up an amazing post so I just get sure if im.on right track... maybe I didn't notice in post, but you use always sales objective, isn't it? If yes, that means you run, let's say, 4 -5 campaigns, all sales objective, and maybe one retargeting , (one-time offer or catalog) broad targeting with sales campaings and CBO.each campaing has 3-5 ad sets? Or depends on budget? And how many ads in adset u test? Just clarify me this please based on the most common cases... só let's say 100 dollars per day could have thsi structure: 1.main campaing bestsellers 40 $, 2 adsets, each adset 3 ads(1 adset caurasel amd 2. Adset single.image,dca), another campaign influencer capmaing 40 $, 2 adsets each have 3 reels, tesrtimonial and viral.reels, and 3. Campaing 20$, retargeting- catalog adset1, one time offer adset2.? What u think, thanks in advance




When we start high budget meta takes away all the money


What do you mean by that?

CPA is high and at low budget cpa is affordable


That's for every business who is advertising. What are your margins?



I’ve been running ads primarily with model videos and photos, but I’ll be incorporating influencer content and exploring a 'Us vs. Them' angle. I also plan to try out some ad hacks that you mentioned. 2023 was great for my business through FB Ads, with a ROAS of 4.5, but 2024 has been a struggle—it's dropped to 2.5


What have you done to improve your AOV?

  1. 20 percent discount on orders above 5K.
  2. 10% discount on buying more than two garments.
  3. 20% discount on buying more than four garments.



This is profoundly useful information, Thank you.

How would you structure this for multiple hero products that might not have great overlap? For example an indie publisher that advertises a dozen unique SKUs (books / games) for a couple similar niche audiences on a single ecom with different ideal CPAs by product.

  • Each niche has a couple of hero items (AOV 65, target CPA 25).
  • Then there's some big ticket niche items (AOV 200, target CPA 65), but they are harder to sell.
  • Then there's small ticket items (AOV 30, target CPA 10) that don't bundle well.

Do they all just get competing adsets in a single campaign, or do they get separate campaigns with their own ad sets?



This is an amazing post - thank you for sharing. We are a $500k a month apparel and footwear business that spends $4k a day on meta ads and I have a few questions for you.

  • What is the percentage of spend (split) between these campaigns?
  • We have been advised to have a greater pool of exclusions (14 day website visits + social engagement) into the TOF campaigns as the algorithm would otherwise send the ads to warmer customers. This means you will be attracting less new customers. What are your thoughts on this?
  • Noted that you have a retargeting campaign for catalog ads. We find that video creatives perform best and get most of the spend at a TOF level. The static, more product focused ads tend to work well at a retargeting level. If we only have the one CBO campaign, the static ads won’t get any spend. Should we be creating a retargeting campaign for customers who are more aware so we can show them our more MOF static ads?
  • How many ads do you run in the CBO campaign ad set which you are scaling?

To be honest, we have been using advantage plus shopping campaigns for 90% of our spend but really struggled to push through the $500k a month barrier over the past 6 months. Very interested


Thank you. I really appreciate it.

1. Main campaigns are 60% of the ad spend. Offer campaigns are 30% and retargeting campaigns are 10% of total budgets.

2. Depends on your repeat purchase time. 14 days make sense, but a lot of times we don't even exclude. If you use tripple whale you can see on daily basis how many new visitors come from each campaign,ad sets, ads. A lot times when brands advertise to existing audiences, is because their ads are speaking to existing audiences.

Fro example NEW launch, New product, New collection all of this new stuff only speaks to your existing customers. New customers don't care about New stuff from you. I mention this example because I do this exact thing with a lot of apparel businesses. To many ads to existing audiences and not enough for new customers.

3. Yeah, we have the same situation for apparel; sometimes we have a separate cold campaign just for statics. but it shouldn't be retargeting audience, you can still reach a lot of new customers with statics. Anyways your daily frequency will be at 1.2 , 1.4 which means that 20-40% of the audience that the ad will reach that day will see the ads 2 times. That's retargeting.

4. It Depends on the brand and our work together with their creative team. If they have a strong creative output and we combine that with ours we literally can have 20-30+ active ad sets under main cbo campaign that is spending $6-$10k+

But at the same time, if we launch 10 ad sets per week, we have a separate scaling campaign for that reason as well. The separate scaling campaign only consists of ads that have spent at least $2000 in ad spend, have gained xxx conversions, are contributing to the business, and on a daily level, are never below 1.25 frequency.

I could take a look at your case in more detail if you are open.




Here are some related articles that may interest you:

1. How I Did 700K in Total Sales WITHOUT ADS (upvotes: 557)

2. Found my first 10k+ winner! (upvotes: 221)

3. Here's how to find a "breakout" product (upvotes: 191)

4. A Guide to Prevent Fraudulent Chargebacks for Fast Dropshipping (upvotes: 175)



The New Facebook Ads Strategy That We Use To Scale Facebook Ads ($30M In Ad Spend Since 2018)
byu/WizardOfEcommerce inFacebookAds




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